Sunday, September 27, 2009

We're Biting and Sitting

My son now has two teeth. I knew he had one bottom tooth and I didn't think the other one was even close to coming out. I even told my mom this morning that the other one wasn't close to coming out. And yet, there it was. It was just breaking the surface of his bottom gum this morning! Cool?!? Right? Except, now he is BITING me when I'm breastfeeding him. Not good. That little sucker is SHARP! Somehow, he was calm enough this morning to take this picture.

Please ignore the dripping snotting nose that he has proudly displayed for the last week or so. I'm not sure how we're going to tell when his top teeth come in. I stuck my finger in his mouth to feel around today and yep, he bit me. Little bastard.

In other news, Ian sat up today on his own! We were pretty shocked. He was on his stomach, scooted backwards into the corner of the room and got stuck. So I moved him back out into the middle of the room and placed him on his stomach again. Except when I looked back 2 minutes later, he was sitting! I asked my husband if he put him in a sitting position. Nope. This happened again later again today. Finally, tonight, I caught him doing it on video. Proof!

And he's been getting into a sitting position all night and getting faster and faster and more efficient when doing it. It's crazy seeing how fast he learns things! Amazing. I LOVE being a parent (well, except for the chewed-upon nipples :-) )

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