Monday, August 24, 2009

Rolling Over from Back to Tummy - Take 2

Ian has been rolling from his back to his tummy quite consistently over the last 24 hours (at 5 months, 1 week of age). And yet...I never see it! I put him down on his back and then go off to do something (like clean the giant poonami that came flying out of his diaper and onto his cute outfit) and whammo, he's on his tummy! He's rolled at least 4 times now and I haven't seen it! I will have to watch him more closely.

There's not a whole lot else going on. I'm still anxious about returning to work in mid-September, but am excited about the barbeque we're hosting over Labor Day weekend. Our deck is almost finished and we just bought a new BBQ grill and I can't wait to have people over to celebrate. We are also completely the Fourth Bedroom, which is the unfinished room in our basement. I found some mold on some things when I was organizing Ian's toys and I FREAKED out and started going through everything. It turns out that other things were moldy (mainly those items that we had in storage before we moved into the house). But we've removed everything from the room and I'm planning to vacuum and mop everything down with bleach water. I'm crossing my fingers that the mold was a leftover from our storage unit and not actually caused by our basement. But we also purchased a dehumidifer for good measure and that thing is cranking out tons of water!

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