Thursday, August 6, 2009

Eye Color

I have long been focused on what color my child's eyes will be. While I will love him no matter what color his eyes are, I was really hoping that they would be green. So many people have blue or brown eyes and I feel that green eyes are something special. My eyes are very green (as are my parents' eyes) and my husband (whose mom has brown eyes and dad has blue eyes) has these really amazing hazel eyes with a brown ring around the pupil. Ian was born with very dark eyes and although I sometimes saw a greenish tinge when the light struck him just right, I was starting to admit that his eyes would be brown. But on our way to the beach yesterday, I was sitting with Ian in the back seat of the car and the light hit his eyes. And I saw this:

His right eye (left in the picture) has these amazing brown spokes radiating out from the center. Can you see it?! I wonder if his eye will stay like this or whether the color is in the process of changing. I guess I will find out soon enough. :)

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