Wednesday, August 19, 2009

22 Weeks

At 22 weeks, Ian weighs 17 pounds, 5.1 ounces. He is sleeping through the night on a regular and consistent basis, which is just wonderful. He goes down for his early morning nap fairly consistently and easily, but the other naps are still a bit of a struggle and he ends up over-tired by 5 pm.

I am getting pretty anxious about returning to work. I don't think I'll be that upset that I have to put Ian in daycare. But it's going to be quite the jolt to my system to go from full-time mom to full-time lawyer with no transition. I've officially requested to work from home 1 to 2 times per week. I will still put Ian in daycare, but this arrangement will allow me to see him at nighttime and I can, perhaps, also get in some exercise. I'm waiting to hear a response. The head of my practice group said that he didn't have a problem with it "in theory" but he's worried about the slippery slope issue - i.e., that other associates will see what I'm doing and want to do it for themselves. I think that's sort of a lame response unless every other associate working at the firm recently had a baby!

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