Wednesday, August 12, 2009

21 Week Update

We went back to mommy group/play group yesterday and at 21 weeks, Ian weighed 17 pounds, 1 ounce. My own weight hasn't changed that much. I'm still hovering at 142.0 pounds and except for the still ginormous boobs and the muffin top at my waist, my pre-pregnancy clothes fit me pretty decently. Since it is going to rain today, I plan on packing up my maternity clothes and shifting items in my closet to prepare for going back to work.

On the sleeping front, Ian has been doing quite nicely. He goes to sleep very predictably around 7 pm and wakes up fairly regularly around 6:30 am. Given that he is sleeping so much at night, he doesn't nap very much during the day - maybe a total of 1.5 hours. According to Dr. Ferber, Ian won't nap more during the day until we have him sleeping less at night. But I'm not sure his sleeping habits are problematic since, for the most part, Ian is quite happy during the day. He doesn't act cranky or over-tired until about 5:30 or 6:00 pm. That being said, I'm about to dive into the napping chapter in Ferber's book to learn if it is bad for a young child to allocate most of his sleep to nighttime and not much to daytime naps.

One last note - we started feeding Ian oatmeal when we returned from Florida and he seems to enjoy it. So now his solid food intake includes rice cereal and oatmeal (both mixed with breast milk).

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