Sunday, April 26, 2009

4+ Hours of Uninterrupted Sleep!

I have a GOOD baby. God, he is just good. About 1 week ago, when Ian was just over 5 weeks old, I decided that it was time for him to sleep in his own room (instead of in the bassinet portion of a Pack N'Play in our master bedroom). The first couple of nights were a little rocky. He didn't sleep in his crib for very long periods of time and either wanted back into our bedroom or simply wanted to be placed in his bouncy seat instead of flat on his back in a crib. Here I sit, one week later, and Ian is sleeping GREAT in his own crib.

Ian has also been stretching out the time in between his feeds. During the day, he is still wanting to feed every 2.5 to 3 hours. But lately, we are getting a 5 hour stretch between 7 pm and midnight. I would have preferred the 5 hour stretch to be from midnight to 5 am, but I'm still happy about any 5 hour stretch. In addition, Ian takes only very short feeds in the middle of the night. Instead of the 18-20 minutes that he feeds during the day, his nighttime feeds are only 7-10 minutes. He also isn't urinating/pooping as much during the night, which is great.

Last night, Ian was awake more than usual after his 7 pm feeding. And it seemed like he wanted to feed again around 10 pm. So I fed him for 10 minutes and he fell asleep. I crossed my fingers and hoped that this would mean that he would sleep past his usual midnight feed...and he did! I went to bed around 10:30 pm and he didn't wake me up crying until 3:00 am! I was so happy! I haven't gotten that much uninterrupted sleep since he was born and I know that many people with 6 week old babies do not get that kind of sleep. I feel incredibly lucky that we have Ian, such a GOOD baby!

Ian has also been making a lot of cooing noises, which are new this week. He has what we call "Happy Baby" periods where he is just wide awake and well...happy. He coos a lot, tries to look at us and does seem to be interacting with us more. We still aren't seeing consistent smiles and in general, the smiles we do see don't seem to be reactions to our faces, but man, he's cute! I look forward to seeing a true social smile.

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