Saturday, March 7, 2009

39 Weeks!

I've made it to 39 weeks. The baby seems happy to stay inside me. Based on my side profile in the mirror, I'm pretty sure he still isn't engaged.

Although I am desperate to meet this baby, now I want him to stay inside just a little bit longer until I get rid of this miserable head cold. I started feeling bad yesterday and now I'm just one big ball of snot. I would rather not have to go through labor/delivery like this. It certainly won't make breathing through the pain very easy. After an entire pregnancy of no sickness, I guess I had this coming. I'm sure I caught the cold because I haven't been sleeping and my immune system wasn't at its best. I'm planning on drinking lots of tea this weekend and kicking this thing to the curb. And I'll work from home on Monday.

As of today, I am 171.0 pounds, which brings me to a total weight gain of 28.5 pounds.

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