Thursday, March 12, 2009

3 days until Due Date...

And here I sit, on my couch, with 3 days left until my due date. I am technically "working from home" through tomorrow, but I basically have no work left because I have already transitioned off all of my matters. I saw my midwife this past Tuesday and asked her to do an internal exam. Unfortunately, there's not a whole lot that is going on in there. My cervix is still long and closed, the same as my week 37 exam. And the baby is still floating and not engaged.

The midwife tried to strip my membranes (although annoyingly she didn't tell me at the time what she was doing and so I was wondering why the vaginal exam was taking so long and becoming increasingly painful). But in the end, she wasn't successful because my cervix was still just too far back and the exam was too uncomfortable for me. I'm still having loads of Braxton-Hicks contractions, but given that I've had so many over the last 2 weeks and the state of my cervix hasn't changed at all, I'm a bit discouraged.

As far as next steps go, I will have an appointment with the doctor next Tuesday (2 days after my due date) and she will do another internal exam. The midwife said that the doctor will most likely send me to Boston Ultrasound so that we can double-check, through an ultrasound, that it is safe to continue to wait for me to go into labor naturally. I will then see the midwife again on Friday (if I'm still pregnant) and they will put me on the monitor to make sure all is well with the baby. After that, I could be looking at induction, but I'd really rather not do that. But they won't let me go past 42 weeks. So the most I have left is 2 weeks, 3 days. I guess I'll just sit back and relax and try to enjoy the downtime. I picked up a load of books and movies from the library and that will keep me occupied. And now that my cold seems to be better, I'm going to go swimming.

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