Tuesday, March 31, 2009

2 week pediatrician visit

My husband and I took Ian to the pediatrician today for his 2-week visit. We both went because it was the first time we were meeting the doctor we had chosen. We both thought the doctor was nice and knowledgeable. I thought it was a little bit weird that the doctor couldn't make eye contact with either me or my husband. He seemed a bit on the socially awkward side, but a good doctor nonetheless. He spent a TON of time with us and answered all of our questions and I liked that.

It turns out that Ian is very healthy! He weighed 9 pounds, 2 ounces, which means he gained 12 ounces in 1 week. That's right on track because babies are supposed to gain 1 to 1.5 ounces per day. He also grew 1 inch since birth and is now 21 inches long. His height, weight and head circumference all measured just above the 50th percentile. He has no hip issues and no heart murmurs. The doctor also said that Ian is a very strong baby (which we already knew because he's been lifting his head since he was in the NICU!).

In other news, we have thankfully discovered mylicon anti-gas drops. Ian has been suffering from some nasty gas and then we all suffer when the gas strikes at 2:30 am. So we've been using the mylicon drops for over 24 hours now and there have been zero periods of inconsolable crying. The doctor said it was okay to continue to use this product and so I'm going to medicate my son to high heaven! He was also surprised that the product worked, since it only seems to work about 33% of the time. He told me that I may want to avoid salads and dairy products, since that can cause more gas in the baby.

I feel like Ian is already growing so fast. I want to enjoy this time with my newborn while I have it. People tell me it goes by so fast and I feel like that is already happening. I want to remember how he frantically nuzzles at my breast searching for the nipple (and inevitably finding the pillow or the air without my guidance). I want to remember the little swallowing and gulping noises he makes when he is feeding. I want to remember how good his warm little body feels against mine. I want to remember how often he gets the hiccups and how cute he sounds when he has them. It's amazing how much I already love him.

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