Tuesday, April 27, 2010

New Language Skills

Ian is now saying "ball" pretty clearly and he can point to the ball or walk over to the ball if you ask him where it is. Daycare also says that he says "bus" and that he will fetch a truck for you if you ask him for it, but I haven't seen any of that personally yet. I was concerned that his language development might be behind given his physical prowess (:-)) but he seems to be just fine. He is resisting saying the word "more" but when he wants more food, he points to the food, whines and makes a "mmmmmmm" sound. So although he's not saying "more," he is clearly communicating his desires just fine.

This is my last week of work at the law firm. I'm excited about starting my new job on Monday. Apparently, they are giving me a work-issued iphone, which is just awesome, since I've been wanting to replace my simple flip phone and I will no longer have a Blackberry through my job at the law firm.

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