Friday, July 30, 2010

So Very Thankful

Every time I read a blog about a long-standing struggle with infertility, I think to myself, "Man, I HAVE to stop reading this stuff.  It's making me nuts!"  But I can't bring myself to stop.  Not only do I want to cheer on and support those who continue to struggle without success, but I want to rejoice and celebrate those BFPs!  Lately, I haven't run across too many blogs with BFPs and it's disheartening.  On top of that, I seem to be reading too many blogs where women have suffered one or more miscarriages or lost their babies because of pregnancy-related complications like pre-eclampsia.  These blogs are a constant reminder that I should be eternally thankful for what I have.  I have a wonderfully kind and supportive husband.  I live in Massachusetts, which has mandatory insurance coverage for infertility treatments.  I  have been blessed to get pregnant with, carry to full-term and deliver an amazing and healthy son.  I am incredibly grateful for these things every single day of my life.  It's easy to get caught up in my quest for baby #2.  Will the frozen embryo survive thaw?  Will I have to do a fresh IVF cycle?  Will it work again for us?  I need to always remember to take a step back and breathe and remember exactly what I have already.  My heart and prayers go out to those women who have not been as fortunate as I have been.

1 comment:

the baby baker said...

thank you for your thoughts and prayers. :)

i will be fortunate one day too, and you will be doubly fortunate. soon, my friend, soon.

i'm pretty frustrated that my google reader blogroll has way more BFPs or blogs with babies, than it does people left still trying. kinda sucks.