Thursday, June 18, 2009

3 month update

Ian was 3 months old on Tuesday. He weighed 14 pounds, 4 ounces at mommy group. We all wanted to make gifts for Fathers Day and so we ended up inking footprints. Ian's feet are so adorable!
I can't believe how fast time is flying. I try to spend moments each day just looking at my baby son. I want to take it all in so that I can remember these moments when he's an adult, but it doesn't seem to stick. Here are some 3 month pictures to help me remember:

Ian is still rolling over from his tummy to his back, but not very often and I haven't managed to capture it on video yet and his daddy hasn't seen him do it either. He's too sleepy/hungry in the morning to try and by the time daddy comes home from work at night, he is too tired. But I'm sure he'll make his daddy proud soon enough. :-)

Ian has been a bit fussy lately. He's also drooling a lot and pulling on his ears. These are signs of teething, but I doubt we'll see any little teeth any time soon. He starting to move to a sleeping schedule that requires only one feed per night. He'll generally go to bed around 8:30 pm and then wake up at 2ish for that nighttime feed. And then he'll sleep until about 5:15 am. So I'm pretty happy with the direction our nighttime pattern is taking. But I'm hoping that he will stop crying out in his sleep after he goes to bed. Last night we had to soothe him at 9:30 pm and 10:30 pm. We didn't even use the pacifier. We just went into his room and ssshed him and patted his belly. And it's not that big a deal because we're not in bed yet, but I'm wondering what's causing him to cry out like that. I hope it stops soon. If anyone is reading my blog, do you have any thoughts on what could cause Ian to cry out like that in his sleep?

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