Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Inevitable Has Occurred

It was inevitable.  13.5 months after having Samantha, my period has returned.  I sort of expected it because there were signs of ovulation about 10 days ago and I was dropping everything in sight yesterday.  I'm a total clutz right before I get my period.  So there it is.  I'm actually pretty psyched that I've had about 2 years without a menstrual cycle - 37 weeks of pregnancy and now 13.5 months post-partum.  Hooray for breast feeding!  Body, you have served me well and I thank you.

*As an aside, I am still nursing Sammy but it is only in the mornings now.  And if I miss a feeding, there seems to be no difference in how I feel.  Certainly, there is no pain or engorgement.  It's been so nice weaning her gradually (as opposed to forcing Ian to wean around 11 months).

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