Friday, June 15, 2012

Funny Conversation

This morning, Ian was playing with my vitamin bottles.  And he wanted me to show him which way to turn the cap to open it so he could see the pills inside.  Here is our conversation:

Ian:  Momma, which way do I turn the cap to open it?
Momma:  You turn it to the left, like this.  You see, leftie loosey and righty tighty?  You turn it to the left to open and the right to close.
Ian:  Leftie loosey?
Momma:  Yes, you turn it to the left to open it, so that you make it looser.  Leftie loosey.
Ian:  But "Loosey" is my cousin.  (Yes, indeed, he does have a cousin named "Lucy")

Commence laughter.

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