Friday, April 22, 2011

Still pregnant

I'm still here and still pregnant.  If all goes well, I will have a new baby in just over 2 weeks!  On Monday, I will hit the 37 week mark, which is considered full term.  If the baby is born after that date, it is highly likely that she will not need any special care.  Hooray! 

I've now been out of the office (but working from home full time) for 4 weeks.  It's been lonely, but manageable.  Thank god I have a job that I can do from a reclining position on the couch.  Two days ago, I broke out of jail and got my eyebrows waxed.  I couldn't stand it anymore and it had been over a week since I had last bled, so I figured it was safe.  And yesterday, I got to leave the house for a regularly scheduled OB appointment.  The doctor was on vacation and so I saw the midwife.  Perhaps it is all in my head, but I kind of felt like she wrote me off now that it is definitive that I'm having a C-section.

Since it is medically necessary for me to deliver by C-section, I've also asked to have a tubal ligation.  My husband and I will be very happy with two children.  We think having more than two will be financially burdensome.  I'd like for my kids to graduate from college without any debt, which is a gift my parents gave to me.  In addition, even if we wanted to have another child, we don't need my fallopian tubes to do it since we'll use our last remaining frozen embryo or, if that fails, we'll do a fresh round of IVF.  So it seems to me that there is no downside in getting the tubal ligation.  In our circumstances, it won't prevent us from having additional kids in the future (should we change our mind and want that).  But it will prevent the highly unlikely, but possible, accidental pregnancy.  And it spares my husband the pain of having a vasectomy.  So all around, I think it's a good decision.

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