Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Feeling Sad

All is well in my world, but I'm feeling extraordinarily sad for a friend I know IRL.  I first met this woman when we attended the same childbirth education course.  And then I re-met her and we became friends in a mommy group after we both had our babies and were on maternity leave.  And now our sons are in the same class at daycare and are best buds.  She has been trying to get pregnant with her second child for over 1 year now.  She got pregnant after trying for 4 months, but quickly miscarried after her BFP.  And she just canceled an appointment with a fertility doctor (actually the same one I used) because she was finally pregnant again!  But she called me in a panic earlier this week because she had some colored discharge.  I tried to reassure her that she was okay as long as she wasn't experiencing bright red bleeding and she wasn't having pain or cramping.  And she felt better.  But then she went for an ultrasound the next day and although she should have been 6+ weeks, they only saw an empty gestational sac measuring at 5 weeks.  And while her beta on December 1 was 7,000, her beta on December 7 was only 16,000.  That is not doubling in 48 hours.  That's not even doubling in 72 hours.  So her doctors are telling her that she's in a gray area, but personally, I think they're giving her false hope.  I think this pregnancy is doomed and I am so so so unbelievably sad for her. 

And after reading so many blogs where women complain about all of the awfully insensitive things people say, including platitudes, I'm totally nervous about saying the wrong thing to her.  I want to comfort her and be as good a friend as I can be, but I don't know what to say.  And to make it worse, her husband had to leave this morning on a business trip.  I invited her and her son to our house for dinner, but she politely declined, saying she'd prefer to lay low at home.  Ugh.  I just wish the outcome was going to be different.  It's so unfair and it's going to be SO miserable for her because so many of the women in the original mommy group are now pregnant with baby #2.  I guess I'll just keep offering her an ear if she wants to talk and I will NOT talk about my pregnancy or baby names or anything insensitive like that.  Does anyone who has been through a miscarriage have any suggestions on how I can better help her?

*Update - December 10*

My friend's beta was only 19,000 yesterday.  So it only went from 16,000 to 19,000 in 48 hours.  Her doctor sent her an email with the news and didn't even call her!  That would have made me SO angry.  But they're stringing her along and told her that she should schedule an ultrasound for next Tuesday.  I'm guessing that ultrasound isn't going to reveal much in the way of good news.

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