Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Break

I think I may take a break from or entirely stop reading infertility blogs. It seems that so many women are looking for support but then they say "don't bother with platitudes" or "please don't tell me it only takes one". Or they regale us with stories of this or that insensitive-but-trying-to-be-helpful comment. I don't know what to say anymore or what is the right or wrong thing to say, to the point that I feel nervous talking to my real life friend who is most likely going to miscarry. I'm not worried about hurting anyone's feelings here because these are the same women who proclaim that they cannot handle reading pregnancy blogs. So they're clearly not reading my blog.  Fine. It is entirely their right to decide what to read or not to read. I guess it's just getting under my skin.  It seems incredibly selfish to me.  I read a lot of blogs as saying, "Thank you for all of your support while YOU were trying to get knocked up, but now that you are knocked up, screw you and your offers of support, which are never right."  What also upsets me is that not all pregnancies are full of fun and joy.  When I bled at 6 weeks and 15 weeks, I was really scared.  There was a lot of bright red blood pouring out of me.  But the infertile community offered me no support (other than you Baby Baker!!).

I have a kid and another one on the way. Perhaps it's just time to remove myself entirely from the infertile blogging community.

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