Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My Son and Daughter

It's starting to sink in that I'm the mother of two.  I love it.  I was worried that my 2 year old son would be very jealous of his baby sister, especially the attention I give to her while breastfeeding.  But he's been fantastic.  He was excited to see her home and sat by her bouncy seat exclaiming, "That my baby sister!" and "Hi Sammy Hi!"  And he's constantly offering to share his train with her (although he will only give up Stanley and not Thomas).  And I'm sure it helps a lot that my parents are here and are giving him tons of attention and play time.

And my baby girl is so so so so sweet and adorable.  She makes this high-pitched squeak sound and when I look at her, she has this big smile on her face.  So I think she's laughing in her sleep!  And she's a really good sleeper.  We've been getting 3 hour chunks of sleep at night because she sleeps soundly in between diaper changes and feedings.  This is way better than we did with Ian, who I think suffered with more gas. She's starting to spend more time awake, although still sleeps way more than Ian did as a newborn.  Perhaps its because she was born 3 weeks early?  Perhaps its because she's just a calmer and more laid-back child?  Her eyes are dark blue at this point, but still more blue than Ian's eyes ever were.  So I'm wondering if she'll end up with blue or green eyes instead of brown eyes?  Time will tell.

I want to keep her this small forever.  I want to lie on the couch with her on my chest forever.  But despite my desires, she is growing and thriving.  She is a master nurser and 1 week after her birth, she weighed 6 pounds, 7.7 ounces, which is 2.7 ounces more than her birth weight.  I wasn't sure I could love another child as much as I already love Ian, but as it turns out, my heart expanded and there is more than enough room for both.


Anonymous said...

This post made me cry! So so so happy for you!

Anonymous said...

And thanks for checking on me! I'm doing fine. :)