Monday, February 13, 2012

Update from the ENT

My husband and I took Sammy to the ENT this morning.  She passed the hearing test, which was a little ridiculous.  I sat with her in the listening booth and they decided that she heard the sound if she turned her heard towards it or stopped sucking her binkie when the sound played.  But she seemed to react to the sounds just as much as she didn't react.  I wasn't worried about her hearing.  I knew she could hear alright.  But I thought the test was a bit bogus on a 9 month old.

The ENT said her ear looked fine.  Of course it did.  She's been on antibiotics now for 13 days.  And we knew after day 7 that the antibiotics had worked.  So now we play the waiting game.  If she gets another ear infection soon, she'll need tubes.  It's apparently a 5-7 minute, fairly painless procedure and they'll use gas to knock her out (so no IV or drugs going into her bloodstream).  The tubes will fall out on their own and there should be no long-term effects of getting tubes.  I am crossing my fingers and hoping that the past 5-6 weeks was just bad luck with one nasty-ass infection and the antibiotics used were ineffective at clearing the infection.  But in my gut, I'm guessing that she's going to have another ear infection shortly and require tubes.  Time will tell.

In the meantime, look how cute Sammy is in this outfit!

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