Saturday, February 25, 2012

Sammy is 10 months old!

Sammy is 10 months old today!  Here is the obligatory chair photo:

She's been super drooly these days and so I'm guessing another tooth is going to show up soon, but there are no overt signs yet.  And she wants to walk so so so badly.  She is thrilled when anyone takes her hands and walks with her.  Check out this cute video we took in our basement this morning.

She remains an incredibly happy baby and I feel so blessed to have her in my life.

We started potty training Ian this week (after a huge failure over Thanksgiving).  He didn't do so great at school - he came home every night with 4-6 wet pairs of pants.  But today, we had him in underwear all day and he only had one accident.  And in that accident, he realized he was peeing in his undies (because he felt the wetness) and was able to finish peeing in the potty.  So after being really disheartened last night, I was truly encouraged by his progress today.  I need to talk to his teachers on Monday and make sure they give him enough attention.  They have to take him to the potty every 30-45 minutes and can't wait for him to initiate.  I think after 1 week of that, he'll truly get it.  It would be fantastic if he could be trained before he turns 3 next month!

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