Thursday, July 21, 2011

I Deserve It - The Story of the Squirrel

I like gardening and have planted quite a few bushes in the mulch beds around my house.  I also take pride in how my property looks and get great pleasure from mowing the lawn every week.  I was using the hose to water some dried out bushes yesterday when I noticed a deep hole in the mulch bed.  I thought it might be the home of a little bunny (who has been ruining my lawn by eating it and peeing on it).  So I decided to make it less hospitable and started spraying water down into the hole. After about 2 minutes, a little chipmunk surprised me by springing out of the hole and sprinting around the corner.  I was very pleased with myself for determining what lived in that hole until I rounded that same corner to realize that my garage doors were up.  And not only were my garage doors up, but while multitasking, I had inadvertently also left the door to our basement open.  Crap.  I had just left an open pathway for this little chipmunk to run right into our house.  I thought there was only a slim chance the chipmunk actually ran into the house until this morning.  I was feeding Sammy on the couch when I heard this high pitched squealing and the cat running around.  Something inside my brain went "click" and I knew then that the chipmunk was, in fact, in the house.  I went to the local hardware store and bought a Havahart trap.  When I came home and entered the house, I actually saw that little sucker running up the stairs!  So now I know for sure the rodent is in the house.  I baited the trap with some cheese and peanut butter and set it back downstairs.  I hope we catch it in the next 24 hours.  In the meantime, I looked around upstairs for the chipmunk but couldn't find it.  I did, however, find a huge old pile of cat puke under our dining room table.  Awesome!  I'm guessing that this is karma coming back to bite me.  I ruined this chipmunk's home and now he's in mine.  I deserve it.

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