I'm 25 weeks pregnant today. Wowzers - only 15 weeks left! I found myself thinking about "Shortie" today as I walked down the hallway at work and couldn't wipe the smile off my face. I'm having a little girl! The reality is starting to sink in, especially now that we've reached the point of viability. As of this morning, I have gained 19 pounds. I guess this puts me on track for a total weight gain of 30 pounds over 40 weeks.
I'm feeling pretty good these days. I'm still taking Zyrtec every single night to keep the hives in check. And every now and then, I get the WORST uterine cramps. They feel like horrendously bad period cramps and they force me to lay down for a little bit while they pass. I feel Shortie kicking quite a bit - she's very low and in a much different position than Ian. Ian always kicked me in the upper right side of my tummy, up by my ribs. Shortie seems to be hanging out on the low side, in a transverse position. I need to take a belly picture really soon! We were so good about taking weekly pictures when I was pregnant with Ian but now, with #2, there's just a lot of other stuff going on!
Our new king-sized Select Comfort Sleep Number mattress arrived today. I can't wait to set up that puppy so that I can get better sleep. We're supposed to get our new bedroom furniture on Wednesday, but given the snowpocolypse that is forecasted, I'm not sure that's going to happen.
He’s here!
8 years ago