Thursday, August 7, 2008

Heartbeat (again)!

I saw the midwife today. We discussed my options for genetic tests. Then she did the fun breast and pelvic exam. Finally, she decided to try and hear the baby's heartbeat (because my uterus felt nice and big to her). So after some cold lube on my belly and about 2 minutes of searching, she found it! The heartbeat sounded nice and strong and fast and it was amazing to hear. I'm so glad that she did find the heartbeat. She told me there was only about a 5% chance of hearing it this early and so I shouldn't worry if we didn't hear it. But then, there it was! Too bad my husband wasn't there with me.

After the appointment, I spent 1 hour on the phone with the insurance company to determine what is and isn't covered. The invasive tests (amnio and CVS) definitely aren't covered unless I'll be 35 or older at the time of delivery (which I won't be) or if the other non-invasive tests show an abnormality. So I think I will be able to settle for the serial/sequential testing, which involves a nuchal transulency screening (by ultrasound) and maternal serum analysis in the first trimester, followed by the quad screen in the second trimester. That will give me results with 95% accuracy. If something abnormal shows up, then I can do the amniocentesis and it will be covered. But I have a good feeling about this baby. It is strong and healthy.

I meet with the doctor 1 week from today. At that time, I will ask for the serial/sequential testing and I will also ask to be tested for all of the other Jewish diseases. I've already been tested (and am negative) for Tay Sachs, Canavans and Cystic Fibrosis. But there is a multitude of other genetic disorders for which I want to be tested. And insurance covers it!

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