Sammy is 2 months old. My how time flies.
She continues to be a wonderfully easy baby. Amazingly, she continued a pattern of sleeping through the night and we can now consistently get 7 hours from her...from about 10 pm to 5 am. It's fantastic. I don't feel the need to nap during the day and I'm sleeping well at night. I could actually function at work if I chose to go back now, but I'm going to head back in the second week of August. I know I've said it before, but I just can't believe how different my kids are already! We'll see if that stays the same or changes as they grow up.
This past weekend, I had to fly solo with both kids since my husband was doing the Bike for MS ride - a 150 mile ride over 2 days. I managed to get through the weekend with both baby and toddler intact, but it was definitely hard at times. Last night, during dinner time, Sammy was screeching because she was hungry and Ian was giving me a hard time about eating his food. I was exhausted from the weekend and out of patience and as I picked up Sammy to try to calm her down, I said quietly, "Sammy, just...shut...up." I know it's awful. And I felt horrible afterwards, especially when Ian started repeating "shut up." Awesome. Mother of the year award over here. At least I didn't swear. I told Ian that it wasn't a nice thing to say and asked him not to say it, but of course, he said it again this morning. I'm sure it will be the first of many not-so-nice things I teach my child.
Ian is saying some really funny things lately too. I asked him, "How much does momma love you?" The normal answer, which I taught him, is "So much!" The other day, he said, "Momma loves me 6." It made me laugh pretty hard. And he's saying some pretty complex sentences now. He said, "When I fell down in the gym and hurt my knee they gave me a band aid." Wow. I mean, he's only 27 months old. His teachers consistently talk about how verbal he is. I'm very proud of him.
He’s here!
8 years ago