We also gave Ian rice cereal for the first time two days ago. We mixed one tablespoon of the Earth's Best organic rice cereal with 3-4 tablespoons of breast milk. Ian did really well! At first, he pushed his tongue forward so that the cereal came right back out, but after 3-4 spoonfuls, he seemed to understand that he could swallow.
Overall, he appeared to enjoy the experience because he didn't scream or fuss and he opened his mouth nicely for the spoon. We also fed him the cereal twice yesterday. I was really hoping that the cereal in his tummy would help him sleep better/longer, but unfortunately, it didn't help.
My sister and her family came over yesterday and met Ian for the first time. My twin nephews were adorable. After seeing Ian for the first time, they finally understood why the little baby wouldn't be playing Wii Sports with them! My brother-in-law played with Ian a lot yesterday and Ian just adored all the male attention. He does seem to prefer males to females in giving up smiles.
And best of all the firsts, Ian napped in his crib for all 3 naps yesterday! Here's the back story: I'm an idiot. I decided that since Ian was breaking out of his swaddle consistently that we would just take it away. We then had a fairly crappy week of sleeping. But I finally picked up Dr. Ferber's book "Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems" and we read that a child needs strong associations with sleep and a good routine in order to sleep well. And we realized that our child's strong association with sleep was the swaddle!! So we re-introduced it in modified form. We swaddled his legs, tummy and chest, but left his arms out. And it was immediately easier to put Ian to bed. He went to sleep quite easily, as he had before we had gone cold turkey on the swaddle. We then decided to swaddle Ian for each of his naps and that worked great too! Yesterday, he took a nap at 9:15 am (slept for 45 minutes), 12:15 pm (slept for 1 hour and 45 minutes) and 3:30 pm (slept for 45 minutes). No more naps in the bouncy seat! And we put him down for the night at 7:15 pm. He woke to feed at 10:30 pm and 3:45 am and he woke up a couple of other times needing the pacifier, but overall, it was just a more pleasant night than we've had in a long time.
The other thing that is helping Ian sleep is the Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Aquarium. My parents borrowed it from a friend. It has bubbles and music and lights and Ian stares at it in a way that he never stared at his mobile at home. And I truly think it helps him to fall asleep. We offered to buy it from my parents' friend, but she decided to give it to us for free! So we are most definitely bringing it back to Boston with us and may buy a second one from Ebay to put on the crib in day care.
Our next step is eliminating Ian's need for the pacifier. I will most likely enlist the day care to help with this. :-)
1 comment:
I'm *so* sorry that I didn't stop by to give you some commenting love during ICLW! I had completely intended to....but then a terrible tragedy struck. I'm just now returning to the land of the living, mentally.
Anyway, it sounds like your precious boy has been experiencing some pretty awesome firsts lately! Planes and rice cereal and cousins, oh my! I'm glad that he's enjoying life, and that he has parents who love and cherish him so very much.
I'm really going to make an effort to be a better commenter in the future! Thank you for the support you've shown on my blog.
And hey, just because IVF worked for you the first time around doesn't make your struggle any smaller or more insignificant. Just like the rest of the IF community, you were stripped of the ability to conceive your sweet baby the natural way. And that hurts. I'm just glad you found success.
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