I can't stop looking at this photo. Damn, my kid is cute! We had a good day today. Ian napped in the bouncy seat a couple of times and also fell asleep in the jogging stroller. And the weather is finally beautiful! It was sunny and 74 degrees today. After our walk and a snack, Ian and I spent even more time outside. He babbles and cooed in the bouncy seat while I dug up some weeds around the house. He really adores being outside (well, as long as the sun isn't in his eyes and the wind isn't blowing too hard). And I got to hear plenty more giggles today. Man, I ADORE that sound.
I'm also happy to report that I finally see progress being made on the deck that we're building on the back of our house. There was a 2 week delay to get the plot survey done and then another 1 week delay getting the building permit from Needham. And then the rain shut us down for a while. But now the framing is up and I can see just how huge it's going to be. I can't wait until we're barbecuing out there!
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