Monday, April 11, 2011

35 weeks!

I made it to 35 weeks.  It's been 2 weeks since my last episode of bleeding and everything seems fine.  I'm guessing that I'm going to end up carrying to full term (which, of course, makes me feel horrible that my parents canceled their trip to Italy...sigh).  As of this morning, I've gained a total of 24.5 pounds, which is right around what I gained when carrying Ian.

I had another ultrasound this morning at Newton-Wellesley hospital.  The baby was measuring on track for 35 weeks and was moving around quite a bit!  She was even practicing her breathing, which she didn't do at the last ultrasound 2 weeks ago.  They estimate her weight to be 5 pounds, 11 ounces, which is 1 pound more than her estimated weight last week.  Grow, baby, grow!  To be as accurate as possible with regards to the placement of my placenta, they did a vaginal ultrasound.  As expected, I still have marginal placenta previa.  The placenta is 1 cm away from the opening of the cervix and you need at least 2 cm to go for a vaginal delivery.  So I haven't talked to my doctor yet, but I imagine that there is now zero hope of avoiding a C-section.  And I'm okay with that.  It will be fine.  Based on my last conversation with the doctor, I'll most likely have a scheduled C-section around 39 weeks, which is roughly 4 weeks from now.

And according to the ultrasound technician, the baby has a lot of hair on her head, but she can't tell whether it's actually long hair or just peachfuzz.  But I guess we'll find out soon enough, right?!?!

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