Saturday, March 6, 2010

Early Morning Demons

Some demon is whispering in my child's ear and telling him to get up anywhere between 4:20 am and 4:45 am.  Over the past months, when this has happened, we have tried to let him cry it out and settle himself back to sleep, but it hasn't worked.  So I've gotten into a routine where I nurse him at this time and then he will fall back asleep until around 6:15 am.  Except lately, he's not gone back to sleep!  Yesterday, he fed at 5:00 am and was awake for good.  I made my husband get up with him.  This morning, I fed him at 4:45 am and put him back in his crib where I hoped he would fall back asleep.  Except he didn't, but instead of screaming (a good thing!) he's been talking softly and quietly cooing off and on for over 1 hour now.  I'm hoping there may also be some sleep time in there too.  Either way, I got up at 5:30 am and started working since I have an agreement to finish drafting by the end of the weekend.  My son may be able to sleep in between his coos, but I certainly can't and I guess I decided it was better to be productive than to toss and turn in bed.  I do hope that my son will eventually grow out of this phase and learn to sleep a little bit later.

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