He is such a great little guy. He's generally happy and smiley and he crawls so fast around the house. He doesn't babble all that much, but when he does, he likes saying "dada," "baba", and "blah-blah." He also likes to blow air out of his mouth so that he is making an "eff" sound and he likes making raspberries. I have yet to hear him make the "emm" sound.
Daycare calls him "independent" and "strong-willed." Apparently, he really likes to eat because he will go after other kid's finger foods. He hasn't yet figured out how to drink from the sippy cup but he likes playing with the cup and chewing on the spout. He has 2 more teeth peeking through his bottom gums. This means he will soon have 4 bottom teeth and no top teeth. He hates to be restrained in any way and will loudly protest the following: diaper changes, getting dressed, getting undressed, getting into the car seat (until he has his paci), and getting into his booster seat to eat (until he has food).
I went to pick him up at daycare the other day and didn't immediately spot him. So I just stood by the door and scanned the room. He apparently spotted me because very shortly I heard him growling "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" and he was crawling like a madman over to me. After a short distraction by a toy, he came over to me, pulled up to a standing position using my legs for balance, hugged me and wanted to be picked up. That was awesome. He totally recognized me as a familiar and loved person.
Ian has consistently woken up between 4:30 am and 5:00 am for the last 5-6 weeks. I'm not sure why he is waking up so early, but I'm guessing it's hunger. We bring him into our bed with us and I nurse him and he will fall back asleep again. I've been successful in putting him back into his crib and he will continue to sleep until 7 or even later. I'm going to try and feed him more during the day so that he will stop waking up so early. But who knows if that will work. I'm not even sure it's hunger that's waking him up.
I'm amazed every day by how much I love him. I rush home from the train station each night looking forward to spending time with him.
He's like a full-on little MAN now. =D He's so handsome!
Congrats on a wonderful 9 months!
What a cutie pie!!
He sounds a lot like my oldest (twin) Evelynn. She is VERY strong willed and she loves to eat! lol
Trying to get her dressed/changed/bathed/from eating her sister's food is like trying to wrestle a wild animal! =)
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