Monday, October 5, 2009

Back to Work Post

I never did post about going back to work, which I did 3 weeks ago. Everyone who welcomed me back at work asked me how the "transition" was going. I think they expected me to say "Man, it's hard!" or "Wow, I don't think I can handle it all." But I'm actually extremely happy to be back in the office and doing what I do really well.

I miss Ian during the day. I miss him a lot. I called daycare every day during the first week to find out how he was doing. And I try really hard to make the 5:55 train so that I can get home by 6:30 pm and play with Ian and feed him before he goes to bed at 7 pm. It makes it easier to know that Ian is very happy at daycare. He gets to do so many things there that he wasn't doing with me at home, like paint and play with other kids. And I give him lots of love, kisses and attention on the weekends.

But so far, so good! I seem to be handling job and mommy stress just fine (and even the pumping at work is going well!)

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