Saturday, February 7, 2009

35 weeks and Fetus Porn

I am 35 weeks as of today. The end is definitely drawing nearer. ;-) I had an appointment with my midwife this past Tuesday and she did an ultrasound (the first one I have had since the 18 week level 2 ultrasound!) to see if the baby was head down. This little baby boy is, indeed, head down. His head was facing my left thigh. I knew all along that he must be head down because I was constantly feeling the hardest kicks in the upper right quadrant of my belly. I'm pretty sure he's been in this position for a long time. The midwife says he's unlikely to flip over now, but I still worry. I don't want to have a C-section due to a breach baby. I had a moment of panic a couple of days ago when I started feeling kicking in my lower left quadrant, but the kicking is now back to the upper right quadrant.

It was so nice to see him "live" on the ultrasound screen. At the level 2 ultrasound at 18 weeks, the sonographer was 95% sure that the baby was a boy. We are now 100% positive that the baby is a boy because his penis and scrotum were clearly obvious on the ultrasound. I brought those pictures home to my husband and we joked about the fetus porn. I should probably get rid of the pictures so as to not embarrass my son later in life, but what fun would that be!

I'm now 167.5 pounds, which gives me a total weight gain of 25 pounds. I seem to have regained appetite and my weight is increasing nicely. My father is visiting from Florida and he hadn't seen me since December. He said I looked great and I was glowing, which made me really happy. He also said that you can't even tell that I'm pregnant from behind. I'm definitely carrying a basketball up front. I can't imagine getting much bigger than I already am, but I have 5 weeks left (and maybe more if I deliver past my due date) and so it's gonna happen. I'm just getting so excited to meet this little one!

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