Wow. This kid really looks human now! We went to Boston Ultrasound for the nuchal translucency screening test (the first part of the serial sequential screening). In this ultrasound, they measure the clear (translucent) space in the tissue at the back of the baby's neck. We were told that anything less than 3.0 is "normal" and our baby measured at 1.6. So that makes us very happy. There is a much lower chance of the baby having Down Syndrome. The baby also measured a few days ahead of schedule as far as growth. The sonographer was very friendly and thorough and looked at lots of different organs. We saw 2 arms and 2 legs. We saw the stomach, which she said showed that the baby was properly swallowing amniotic fluid. We saw the two halves of the brain and we saw the septum dividing the heart. So we walked away with "nothing abnormal" from the ultrasound, which was divine news.
The baby was quite active during the ultrasound. At first, he (I think it's a he for no good reason other than 2 recent dreams) was lying peacefully on his side and giving us a nice profile view. But then he started flipping around and showing us the top of his head and his tushie. At one point you could see that he was literally pushing off my uterus to do a somersault. It was really quite amazing. My husband asked me if I could feel any of this movement and of course I couldn't. The sonographer said that the baby was only 2 inches long and weighed only 1 ounce. So tiny!!!
It was so nice to have reassurance that I was still pregnant and that things were progressing along nicely. Without many symptoms, I sometimes wonder in between doctor's appointments if everything is okay. It's irrational, but I think that way anyway.
I'm proud of myself for not gaining too much weight during this first trimester. I've eaten when I'm hungry, but I'm trying to eat healthy too (although I did eat a 6 piece chicken mcnugget at south station while waiting for a late train one night). Right now, I'm 145.0 and I think I started this pregnancy at 141.5 or 142.0.
I can't wait for the next appointment to hear this guy's heart beat again!
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