I've been so busy and neglecting this blog. But Sammy is 6 months old today so I had to update! Here are her official chair photos.

You can see in the second photo that she is now sitting up on her own.
Poor little Sammy has been sick a lot this past month. Less than one week after we finished her antibiotics for pneumonia, Sammy came down with another cold and she is still congested and coughing a lot. She has her 6 month "well baby" visit tomorrow and we'll see what the doctor finds. She's also drooling a ton so I wonder whether a tooth is on its way soon and perhaps that is causing some of the congestion?
Ian is doing well. When he's behaving, he's super fun to be around. He knows that his first name is spelled "I" "A" "N" and we're having fun teaching him new words (like author, illustrator and phenomenal). He seems extra coordinated to me. At the park, he got on a scooter and knew right away what to do and was balancing on one leg and scooting around like a pro. Another little boy who was 3 (6 months older than Ian) couldn't figure out the scooter, even with his father's help. So I was quite impressed with my little boy.
But when Ian is not behaving, oh boy. He's a train wreck disaster packed into a 31 pound solid toddler body. He definitely knows what he wants and doesn't want and is prone to throw some serious tantrums. I'm hoping he'll grow out of this behavior soon, but we may be in it for the long haul. He's going to be a fireman for Halloween and here he is trying on his costume.
And I had to capture the following - this is the face that Ian makes when you ask him to "close his eyes." It makes me laugh every single time.
We went apple picking a couple of weekends ago at Honey Pot Hills Orchards in Stow, MA and had a blast. We went on a hay ride, ate cider donuts and picked a lot of Macoun apples. I've never had them before and they were super tasty! Ian had a blast, especially because he was able to climb a ladder to pick apples at the top of the tree. Here are some photos - I'm really happy we were able to get a picture of all 4 of us!

Work is going well. My company is growing rapidly which is great, but raises a host of issues and my plate is extremely full (hence the lack of blog updates!) I have no time during the day to surf the web or accomplish any personal tasks. And at night, after we eat dinner and get Ian to bed, I'm still busy with Sammy. And I have to put together her bottles and make my lunch for the next day. And by the time I watch just one show on TV, I'm totally ready for bed (since Sammy hasn't slept through the night for a while now). But every day, I'm extremely thankful for my family and I look forward to watching my babies grow up. And I'll leave you with some cute pictures of Ian and Samantha.
