Samantha is roughly 10 weeks old now and I weigh about 150 pounds. This means I still have 7.5 pounds to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm trying to eat right and exercise but I'm finding it extremely difficult to shed the extra pounds. It was much easier the first time around when I was, perhaps, younger and fitter. Sigh. I can't really diet for a couple of reason. The first and most important reason is that I'm exclusively breastfeeding Sammy and I want to make sure I eat enough to be able to produce enough food for her. The second reason is that I have no will power and am pretty much unable to actually diet. I really want to get my shape back, but the pregnancy pooch is pretty bad. I was so sick of wearing my maternity clothes so I went to Old Navy and Target and bought some cheap clothes to fit my bigger body. I'm hoping that these clothes will be much too big to wear next summer. I'll be going back to work in 1 month and I'm going to need to figure out what I will wear. I have slacks with an adjustable waist band and so I think I'll try those on to see if they'll work. Hopefully they will and then I can wear them now and as I lose weight. Otherwise, it's time to go shopping for some size 10 pants! Either way, I will NOT be going back to my maternity clothing. There is someone who is 5 months pregnant at work and she has asked for my maternity wardrobe and so I am happily giving the clothes to her.
In other news, Samantha is just fantastic. I am so in love with my baby girl. She smiles ALL the time now and when she smiles, her whole body smiles. Her face lights up in this little baby girl grin and her arms waggle and her legs kick and she makes a laughing-like sound. Not only is it a blessing to have a second child, but we really hit the JACKPOT with her. Last night, she slept from 10:45 pm until 6:15 am. I actually started panicking this morning when my son woke us up and I still hadn't heard from her. I rushed into her room and there she was, squirming around all swaddled up in her Pack N' Play. Totally fine. She opened her eyes and gave me a big toothless grin. Love.
And Ian is such a loveable little man. We took away his crib this past Saturday and put his crib mattress on the floor with 2 side rails. This is a temporary transition step until his real big boy bed arrives this coming Saturday. And he LOVES it. He is so excited to be a big boy and climb in and out of bed himself. And thankfully, he is still sleeping through the night despite the fact that we took away his crib. I can't wait to give him his new twin bedding. At first I bought this because the bedding that I loved had sold out:
But then this morning, Overstock emailed me to let me know the bedding I wanted was back in stock. So I figured it couldn't hurt to have some spare bedding. At some point, I'm sure Ian will have some accident with bodily fluids in bed. And so I bought this too! It was only ~$60 (including shipping for a 5 piece set and I figured I couldn't go wrong.

I can't wait to see his face when we finally have his twin bed made this weekend.