Saturday, May 22, 2010
St. Croix!
Friday, May 21, 2010
FET schedule!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Sleeping Arrangements

And it folds up like a dream and is actually quite small and light compared to the Pack N'Play. So we opened it yesterday morning in Ian's room and let him get accustomed to it and play with it. He wouldn't go in it until I climbed in there first, but after he realized he was safe, he was jumping in and out on his own. And we decided that it would be good for everyone involved if we put him to bed in it before vacation. So last night we put him to bed in the Peapod and after a little crying (he usually doesn't cry at all), he went to bed and slept until 5:15 am! Totally exciting. We'll be putting him to bed in the Peapod for the rest of the week so that when we finally get to St. Croix on Saturday night, he'll have familiar surroundings in which to sleep.
The other great thing about this product is that it offers UV Protection and so we can also use it on the beach if Ian wants some shade or a nice place to nap outside.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
FET Update
I Want to Remember These Things
1. He seems to be learning something new everyday. He can now point to his nose when you ask him to show you his nose. And he will give you a high five when you ask him to do so. He blows kisses and claps his hands and does the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" hand motions when you sing the song.
2. He is addicted to going up and down stairs. It's all he wants to do. My parents were just visiting and whenever he saw my father, he went running to him and held out his hand so that my father could hold his hand. Then he would insist on pulling my father towards the stairs. And once at the stairs, all he wanted to do was to go down them like a big boy. Forget going down backwards on hands and knees. He wants to WALK down. But his little legs are too short to actually do it and he ends up tripping/being held up for the entire flight and he loves it.
3. At daycare, he holds onto a rope along with all the other toddlers in order to walk out to play on the playground. It's so nice that he doesn't need to be held to go someplace now (although when we went to the mall the other day, letting him roam free didn't work because he always had different ideas about where we should go next!).
4. He's starting to get pickier about what foods he is eating and has begun rejecting vegetables and certain fruits (and by rejection, I mean that he is tossing the food backwards right over his head with a big devilish grin). He will still eat banana and grapes, but everything else is a gamble. He LOVES meat and will devour chicken and meatballs with passion.
5. He is very clear about when he doesn't want something (whether it's a certain food, his sippy cup or being held by a different person) and will forcefully wave his right arm in a sweeping motion to try and "wipe" the unwanted object/person away. It's actually pretty funny (except when I'm the person he's trying to wipe away).
6. He is still unbelievably amazing about going to bed. He goes to bed at 7:30 pm on the dot without any cries, fuss or struggle. I put him in his crib and give him his lovie and bam, he turns over, sighs and goes to sleep. I love that. He seems to be sleeping a little bit later in the morning now and is taking very good naps at daycare.
7. Ian loves to sit in our laps when we're down on the floor with him. In order to get into our laps, he will walk backwards until he reaches us and then plop himself down. It's awesome. I absolutely adore it when he does that.
I am thankful every day that Ian is in my life and am always excited to get home at night to see him.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
New Job
But everyone here has been extraordinarily nice and welcoming and it seems like a great team. People actually come by and say hello, which pretty much didn't happen at the law firm. And my new boss has already given me an actual work assignment, which is good.
Ian is doing very well these days. He has officially switched over to the toddler room and appears to be happy there. Yesterday, he even walked to the playground while holding onto a rope with all of the other kids. I'm so proud of my little guy! He seems to be repeating more words now. He says "ball" very readily and it seems like he now wants to say "kitty cat." He definitely recognizes the picture of the cat in the animal book that we read to him and he gets very excited and happy to see the picture. My parents are coming into town tomorrow for a visit and I can't wait for them to see Ian. He's gotten so big and grown so much since they last saw him.